Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety

The Community of Competence™ and Foundation for Life

Unused and Expired Medicines Project

Since 2005, we have supported and participated with the Maine Benzo-diazepine Study Group (MBSG) to investigate the public health and patient safety aspects of unused and expired medicines (UEMs).  These medicines that are often stockpiled in our homes and workplaces over time pose serious risk to the household, community and physical environment.  UEMs may cause  or contribute to the following problems:

Our research team leads in the study of UEMs and established the National Unused & Expired Medicines Registry in the fall of 2005 to systematically collect data on UEMs from various drug take-back programs.  In 2009, we conducted a national survey of existing drug take-back initiatives and published the first National Directory of Take-Back and Disposal Programs.

Our national outreach campaign to reduce and eliminate UEMs is called Get Rid of Unused Pharmaceuticals (GROUP).  The GROUP Manual of Procedure is available to assist organizations in planning and implementing a successful drug take-back program.