Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety

The Community of Competence™ and Foundation for Life

The National Directory of Drug Take-Back and

Disposal Programs

In spring of 2008, Community Medical Foundation launched the first national survey to identify the location and description of the various types of drug take-back programs and activities.  Results from this survey were published in the first National Directory of Drug Take-Back and Disposal Programs, 2008.  

Each year we conduct the Annual Survey and update the most extensive listing of drug take-back programs.  From 66 programs in 2008, there are 492 active drug take-back programs today, ranging from drop-off bins (as shown on the right) to a state-wide mail-back system.  The Second Edition of the National Directory was published in 2011.

If you are involved with a drug take-back program in your area, please completed our Annual Survey to be included in the next edition of our National Directory to be published in 2014.  The National Directory also lists commercial reverse distributors, state prescription monitoring programs, state controlled substances scheduling authorities, state health departments, state environmental agencies and poison centers.

The National Directory is a useful office community and resource and reference for any organization involved with drug collection and disposal, waste management, and environmental quality and conservation.