Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety

The Community of Competence™ and Foundation for Life

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

We apply this framework and methodology  of the Community of Competence™ to our research endeavors by assembling a panel of experts–most are Sigma Xi members with doctoral degrees and extensive research and academic background–to perform scientific review of and evaluate our research projects to ensure and maintain utmost ethical conduct  for the protection of human research participants, optimal stewardship of funds, safeguard of intellectual properties (e.g., copyrights, patents, trade secrets), proper use of effective study design and methodology, appropriate data collection and management, planned analysis and reporting of scientific findings.  Each IRB panel consists of at least 5 members including content experts, a targeted community representative, and a non-scientific member for voting and final determination of the review.

Experts are invited according to their research expertise, experience and competence required to review  any proposed study.  We accept external study proposals by contract and strictly apply our standards in evaluation, audit and final determination for approval or disapproval.  Several experts have already been certified for such review by NIH for human subject protection and research ethics.

If you have a proposal for medical device evaluation, survey, interview or observational study that may involve human participants and personal identifiable information, contact us for a comprehensive independent scientific review and evaluation.  At this time, we do not accept any proposal dealing with clinical trials or other intervention studies involving human experimentation.